Wednesday, 26 October 2016


10月6日是我第二次到泰南Khao Dinsor 的小山丘,义务数老鹰。韩和燕霞与我同飞,这是他们的第一次。我们在第二天每天早上六点出发到Khao Dinsor,开始我们的三天数老鹰的活动。Foundation


东方蜂鹰Pernis ptilorbyncus


赤腹鹰Accipiter solensis 超多的!

日本松雀鹰Accipiter gularis

褐耳鹰学名Accipiter badius)

2 - 8日, 一个星期的统计数量 (老鹰与其他迁徙鸟)
Top 10 most numerous migrants:
#1 Chinese Sparrowhawk 102,689 / Total: 348,665
#2 Oriental Honey-buzzard 46,586 / Total: 84,113
#3 Barn Swallow 6,980 / Total: 62,179
#4 Blue-tailed Bee-eater 6,197 / Total: 28,941
#5 Pacific Swift 3,467 / Total: 20,510
#6 Red-rumped Swallow 3,324 / Total: 5,934
#7 Japanese Sparrowhawk 1,047 / Total: 24,000
#8 Shikra 975 / Total: 1,285
#9 Blue-throated Bee-eater 368 / Total: 3,089
#10 White-throated Needletail 198 / Total: 457
Other migratory raptors:
Black-eared Kite 67 / Total: 120
Eastern Marsh Harrier 33 / Total: 124
Besra 26 / Total: 34
Booted Eagle 8 / Total: 9
Western Osprey 5 / Total: 13
Buteo spp. 5 / Total: 5
Crested Serpent Eagle 4 / Total: 5
Pied Harrier 4 / Total: 11
Common Kestrel 3 / Total: 6
Peregrine Falcon 3 / Total: 13
Grey-faced Buzzard 2 / Total: 2
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1 / Total: 3
unidentified sparrowhawk 12 / Total: 877
Resident raptors:
Black-winged Kite
Rufous-bellied Eagle
Black Eagle
Crested Goshawk
Brahminy Kite
White-bellied Sea Eagle

Monday, 1 February 2016


Went to Thailand for a 12 days bird watching trip with Jacky, Henrietta and our Thai friend Jay; a very experience bird guide. He drove us by his parents' 4WD from Bangkok to Chiang Mai to different birding sites. We left the hotels almost everyday before sunrise and call off a day after sunset. It was a tiring but enriching trip. We saw a total of 400 species of birds (Singapore have 392 species) in 12 days!! Here are some of the pictures taken during the trip.

                                                        The Blue Rock Thrush
                                                              Streak-eared bulbul

                                                           The Blue-winged leafbird
                                                             The Asian Fairy Bluebird
                                                         The Sooty headed bulbul
                                                           My favourite bird - Hoopoe
                                                              Black-winged Stilt
                                                                Little Cormorant
                                                              Red-wattled Lapwing
                                                                Wood Sandpiper
                                                                Gulls and terns
                                                           Ashy Woodswallow
                                                                    The Plain Prinia
                                                                     Nice sunset

                                                             Different types of Egrets
                                             My another favourite bird - The Indian Roller
                                                               The Pied Fantail
                                                             Black-crested Bulbul
                                                      The Kalij Pheasant - Male and Female
                                                         The Tickell's Blue Flycatcher
 The Striped-throated Bulbul 
                                                        The Black-capped Kingfisher

                                                            The Purple Swamhen

                          Bueng Boraphet - A fresh water lake, great place for water birds and ducks.

                                                                       Oriental Darter

                                                                  Pond Heron

                                                                         The Osprey

                              Saw a lots of Tawny Coster Butterfly at the Bueng Boraphet VC
                                                           The Blue-tailed Bee-eater    
                                                 The Freckle-breasted Woodpecker
The Purple Heron